01 March 2010

green shoots

Took a walk around the yard today. Sunny, but a bit chill. Raked leaves up where they had blown into corners, cleared the litter off that corner where the Daylilies are transplanted, and mulched them with a bucket of compost that had been saved in the shed all winter. (It looked like the best compost I've ever made!) You can see all the little green shoots of Daylilies and Tulips poking up through the darker compost; so many more than I saw even just yesterday!
Discovered little green shoots with streaks of color coming up under the front yard trees, even when snow still sits in patches nearby. I think it's the Crocus!
 And in the nearly-empty bed edging the front walk, little tiny green plants show their faces. It's all that Phlox I got from a neighbor who had too much in her yard last year; I had thought it was all dead but it's coming up everywhere on the front of the bed. I'm so pleased. Hoping now that perhaps my Hostas are still alive, too; I'll wait and see before I plant something else in those spots.
 On the fence edge of the long garden plot, I found Garlics growing, those I had planted last summer in an attempt to make a wall of greenery, and promptly forgot about! I didn't really expect them to come up this spring. They weren't protected much, except for some leaves that had drifted against the fence. But they look nice and healthy. On the other side of the yard, where I intentionally planted Garlics in a row against the fence of the walled plot in Nov, a few straggly looking ones are poking out from the leaves. A bit of snow expected this weekend, so I'm not going to uncover them yet.
garlics against the long bed
straggly one in the walled plot

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