27 January 2019

angel condition

This morning, the angelfish M. Beautiful looks better- lips aren't black, ding on the head is healing- difficult to even see it now- and the black edge of the tail fin gone- now it's uneven, the fin rays extending a bit from where the smooth edge of the fin decayed off.

The other angel, Skye- trailing end of one pelvic fin looks bitten. I saw the oldest tetra nip at it again this morning. Dang tetra. The tank looks so busy now, I don't really want to get more tetras. I don't know if I isolate this one in the shrimp's 20g, will the other tetras remain chill or will some of them start nipping too.

Did Skye sustain permanent damage inside the mouth from that first fight? I thought the angel was just relaxed when taking its time to eat in the 20H alone- I would feed it a piece or two at a time, wait for it to finish moving its mouth, give it another. Now there's competition- the tetras dart in for several bites each while Skye is still working on the first mouthful- and then looks around for more it's all gone. I think I'll have to spot-feed this angelfish to make sure it gets enough, it definitely eats slower than the others.

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