05 February 2012


I have made Jenna's bread. I'm feeling pretty pleased with it! It's a very simple recipe, just flour, salt and yeast. Rises twice, gets folded over on itself a few times, thrown in the oven and that's it. I was happy my fam all loved it, they were very impressed and want more! I was a bit concerned that I don't have a standing mixer to use, but figured if people have been making bread for centuries without mixers, surely I can. And I've made pie crust without it, many times. So I just used arm power to stir the dough. It worked fine.
My one hangup was that when the dough raised overnight (in a slightly warmed oven, because my kitchen is rather cool) it got stuck to the towel and then sank back down. I think next time I might put plastic wrap over it.
and maybe grease the bowl, too

1 comment:

chrisa511 said...

Yum is right!! Bookmarked that recipe right away :D