31 August 2010

cherry tomatoes

My Cherry Tomatoes are almost done. The last few pickings have been meager, and most of the tomatoes don't look good or are half-eaten. Now that I've been clearing Basil out of the way, I noticed that the stems are all barren, the leaves brown or simply gone. (Whereas my heirloom tomato plants on the other side of the yard are still doing okay, nice green leaves and juicy tomatoes. Some are even still flowering!)
Today I found the culprit: the nasty tomato hornworn! Two of them, actually! Upset I didn't find him before he killed my tomato plants, but glad he's carrying these white eggs. They're of a parasitic wasp that will eat other pests out of my garden.


chrisa511 said...

Ooooh I HATE those things!!! But yay for the wasps getting him :p

Jeane said...

Nasty buggers, aren't they?