It's been a while since I paid much attention to the plants in my windowsills, apart from watering them. Today I checked up on them all more closely.
The creeping plants brought inside are doing well, only a few stems died.
They're filling in nicely.
Funny, where the stems hang over, once they hit the ground (or here, sill) new leaves grow up at a right angle. I'm guessing this is where they would root themselves again.
My jade looks nice, too.
Its little scions show no signs of growth, but I know there are roots in there.
The plants I grew (I still think) from a kiwi are getting bigger!
This is the geranium bonsai I started from a clipping. It's almost big enough I'll cut the top off to make it branch.
The one I let grow of its own accord is full of leaves, but the moss (I should have figured) got moldy.
Took that all out; cleaner now.
The third one, with the best shape also had mold.
I took out all its moss, too, and trimmed the leaves a bit. Didn't get a good picture the second time round, but you can see the shape of stems a bit.

My carrot-top dishes did not go well. They grew plenty of pretty foliage. But the ones stuck straight in the water, the pieces of root began to disintegrate into orange slime.
And the other one, white fuzz grew on top of the root piece.
So they all got tossed into compost.
I've seen people do this both ways- with gravel, and without- or at least, seen pictures. I changed the water, but not often enough? or are they only supposed to last a week and then get discarded. Maybe the shards were too big, I should have used fine gravel. Or set the root-pieces just atop the gravel, instead of nested in it? but they they wouldn't have the support... which I suppose is the reason for it. O well. I want to grow some more, because I like looking at the leaves, but I can't stand mold in my plants, so out it went.