04 August 2018

plants plants

A few of them. I've moved my zebrina into a larger pot, taken cuttings and planted them. It's thriving. (Other things are not: I've once again killed an ivy plant. And my mimosa continues to drop yellowed, lower leaves even though I changed its location and watering).
I've also potted up all the creeping charlie cuttings into one, larger container. They're doing really well this time around. I've learned (from experience) that zebrina cuttings seem to take better if I plant them as soon as a bit of root is showing, and then keep the soil damp. Charlie plants on the other hand, do better if I leave them in the jar of water until it is tangled with white roots, and plant them much later.
My purple-edged african violet is in full bloom!
orange-lime coleus now situated under the window tank seems happy enough (its coloring very different from the same plant outside)
Here on the edge of the garden is the 'gay's delight' coleus- doing really well with all the recent rain.
Its scion indoors still looks good, too.
'watermelon' coleus also on the edge of the garden- has grown so large I've started pinching.
The one coleus I am not happy with this year, is the one similar to 'watermelon' but with white centers- it just does not grow well for me. The indoor pot of it I have, the leaf edges keep drying and curling under. I still have a few in the back garden I forgot to ever dig into the soil.
Looking over this spot- a lot of things have failed. Rubarb is struggling again, looks decimated by slugs. I've got the mealy bug under control that was attacking my echinacea and black-eyed susan.  Here on the side, nicotiana is finally getting larger, but I don't know if they will flower for me this year.

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