20 July 2018

in the garden-

I took these photos over a week ago when we had lots of bright sun. Now it's raining nonstop. They are drinking deep but I worry a few might rot, already the borage have collapsed in the softened soil. Well, here are a few pics from sunnier (but much drier) times the week before:

Borage flower, flanked by sensitive fern frond
My stevia looks healthy again. Cutting it back hard and treating for bugs worked this time
Hard to see with distracting background, but the russian sage I never got out of its pot, flowered-
Celosia are all flowering. Short stubby things they are this year. But all pink! so saving seed for color worked
My 'kiwi fern' coleus looks a lot healthier this year, too. It's not suffering from bugs yet, even though I had to move it off the deck now by the garden.
notes: I've been cutting more gladiolas for the house. I have some young tomatoes now, but don't know if they'll ripen. I found some monstrous cucumbers but we ate them all before I photographed. Carrots look grand! I dug for young potatoes but didn't find a single one. Maybe have to wait longer.

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