11 March 2015

fish trap

A few times a week, I've been setting the fish trap with food that can be in chunks (shrimp pellets or spirulina wafer) -so the first one in doesn't gobble it all, but has to nibble and they all get a share. With the intent of teaching the kuhlis to go in there, so I can take 'em all out for my rescape day.
The largest three have it figured out- as soon as I put the trap in, the black kuhlis start exploring all over it- this last time they kept trying to wedge themselves under the trap, nearest where the food rested inside- can smell it through all the holes of course. Very determined. Sammy found his way in next, then one of the smaller striped kuhlis. I'm always left with one on the outside, never can catch more than four in a go.
It looks in this pic like there's three striped ones in there, but when I lifted the trap to release them, there were only two, and I definitely saw the last kuhli in the main tank- so I think one was just turned around on himself in there:
Pinkie always looks a bit frustrated that he can't get in, too- he hovers around the entrance, inspecting every angle of it, long after the barbs have given up and swum off!

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