18 May 2013

aloe vera

I splurged on a pair of Aloes, too. I've always liked this plant, especially its usefulness! But afraid I would kill them in the past, as I'm not very good with succulents. I tend to overwater. I think I've been getting better at that lately with my jades and dracanea, so I decided to try aloes again. They were sorely rootbound.
Both went into a mix of potting soil and eggshells; this one in the larger white pot has a final layer of pebbles on top (leftover from a small bag of aquarium gravel). I've always thought that aloes look pretty in white pots, for some reason. Perhaps because it highlights the light patterning on the leaves.
The second one I repotted as well but into a smaller, narrow pot as I think its recipient might keep it on a kitchen windowsill. He is a bit prone to kitchen accidents and likes natural remedies (such as honey on a wound) plus tends to underwater his plants so I think an aloe vera is a good plant. I've been aware for a long time that the gel in aloe vera leaves is good for burns, but never actually tried it myself. I'm not hoping for that opportunity, but if it arises now I have the plant!

1 comment:

chrisa511 said...

They look fantastic! I killed my aloe :( I think I did overwater them :(