19 April 2012


I've only got a handful of plants left to put in the ground, mostly Tomatoes and Peppers, a few Basil.
The Marigolds, Tithonia and Okra went in yesterday.
Of course I grew too many, so all my extra plants I'm donating this year to the gardening club at my daughter's elementary school. Earlier in the year I gave them some lettuces; now I'm taking over my leftover tomatoes, a bunch of peppers
and a handful of herbs: one basil plant, one thyme, three teensy oreganos, a handful of summer savory and marjoram bunched together. I walk to the school, so I had a bunch of little pots under the stroller, the box of tomatoes balanced on my other arm. (Here in front you can see the s. savory, marjoram, and a pepper plant).
They were happy to get them, and I was pleased to share my plants with someone, not just compost the ones I didn't have space for.

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