31 August 2010


Today I cut all the yucky leaves out of the Pumpkin patch. Many are either stricken with bacterial wilt, or whitened by powdery mildew.
I heard cinnamon can combat the mildew, so now they all have a brown dusty coat, too.
And in cleaning up the patch, I found that besides my big fat orange pumpkin
I have two small ones growing now as well!


chrisa511 said...

I am so super impressed by your pumpkin!! It looks fantastic!

Jeane said...

Oh sad, one of my baby pumpkins just started looking yucky. But at least we'll have one good one for halloween!

Unknown said...

Ok so we have a bunch of these growing in our front yard! We thought it was squash. So I plucked one out and cut into it and OMG realized it was a pumpkin. So now that we know, we are going to let them keep doing their thing. We have like 4 getting big, and like 4 babies growing. They just went crazy in our yard! How long before they turn orange?

Jeane said...

Probably a month, maybe two. Mine were usually ripe well into September, but it probably depends on your weather and what type of pumpkin it is.