05 July 2010

sad and new

So sad about my Avocado plant. Maybe I shouldn't have put it in the sun. The leaves droop now more than ever, and the top of what was the pit looks scorched? I'm wondering if I can save it, if I ought to upend the pot and repot with new soil?
On a happier note, one of the Jade leaves I stuck in a tiny pot is sprouting a teeny tiny plantlet!
and little Sunflower seedlings are coming up in the garden!


chrisa511 said...

Oh no!!! I hope your avocado is salvageable!! I was so enjoying watching it grow! And the jade is so neat :) I love your little sunflower seedlings too! They look just like mine!! Do you know if they need support?? My mammoth sunflowers are falling over already :/ Well two of them at least!

Jeane said...

My sunflowers last year didn't need support. The stalks grew very strong, in fact when I cut them down at the end of the year I had to use a long-handled lopper to cut up the stems for composting, they were so tough!