23 April 2020

work before rain

Borage in the edge of my pea bed has more and more flowers, while those out front still just hug the ground. I wonder if they grow slower because crowded- so did some more thinning, and the ones that came up with roots intact
I moved to another spread between maple roots, in place of grass.
Trying more measures in the garden, to both attract pollinators and control pests. This one just a whim of my own- planted all the little cuban oregano cuttings along a few edges of the garden bed walls. In case the squirrel dislikes their scent as much as I do, haha.
Set out two alyssum into the greens beds- reserving the other two in case I loose these to a cold snap, it might be too early. See the holly?
This was something my mother suggested- put prickly leaves in the garden. I trimmed the holly shrub where it was growing through the fence, and laid small branches criss-cross through the beds of greens, where the squirrels have been making holes and holes and holes. Above between lettuces and tatsoi, here lettuces and leaf beet chard-
Arugula and mizuna-
Lettuces and collards (which we've started eating). I don't care for how it makes the garden look cluttered but maybe soon the cuttings will turn brown and I won't notice it as much. I put these in yesterday, too soon to tell if they're working yet- but this morning so far no squirrel holes!
Planted out my young leeks. On either end of the bed where tomatoes will go. Scent of alliums supposedly repels some tomato pests.
I still have one leek in the other spot from last season- and look behind it how the turtlehead has grown! Nearly as tall as the stump.
Planted out the hyssop- on either end of the new beds- the perennial ought to end up with a foot spread, but is hardly noticeable now, so I set a rock by it to prevent getting stepped on.
Here's one at the other end-
With twig mulch.
Third hyssop went into a planter near the garden. Although I'm reconsidering- I think nasturtiums would look nice in this spot too.

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