28 August 2019


The blue ramshorns are moving about the tank now.
I like them so much, I have started picking out all their competitors- the trumpet snails and the ordinary brown and leopard ramshorns. It's easier right now because the snails keep gathering on the leaf litter. I've read that the blue color is a recessive trait, so if you have both kinds in the tank eventually the blue ones will be fewer, until they're gone. If I pick out enough browns, maybe my blues will reproduce.
Got a better photo of a ramshorn on wall of the little glass box- without its foot scrunched up-
 and this very small one, I got a photo close enough to show its eyes- or the feelers at least
another snail in the background-
The ramshorns are not very interested when I give them a bit of cooked pea- they don't seem to prefer it over algae or decaying plant bits. But when I put in a bit of carrot, they really like that! Converging:
almost gone:
moving off:
It looks like at least one of the egg sacs I moved is still okay- I see little specks in there, the baby snails developing.

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