13 June 2014


The other day I took all these plants, and then some, and shuffled them into new pots. Some when out of a pot it was too small for, and another plant moved up into its pot.
I didn't think to photograph them all, but here's a few notes. The Coleus cuttings finally went into soil. These things grow amazingly quick, and you can see how many roots! This is after I trimmed some off, there was twice as much.
I took quite a few plants out of SIP bottles- they had outgrown them. I didn't have suitable container to make a new larger SIP so they just went into regular pots. My largest Geranium, the Poinsettia and my Croton
I potted up the Aloe Vera into a large clay pot. It is growing new roots, a few leaves broke off, it is starting to stand up straight again. But I still have trouble finding a good location for it, where it doesn't run into something or poke my kids!
The only plant that moved down in pot size was the Creeping Charlie. One of its stems died, I had overwatered.
The nicest-looking results are my two largest Palms, but I didn't get a picture of those. Will soon.

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