02 October 2012

potting up

Have begun digging up some of my perennial herbs and resettling them into pots. Here's the first ones to move their roots: Lavender, Rosemary, Tarragon, Lemon Thyme and regular Thyme. I didn't realize the lavender had grown so large until I dug it up and realized it could easily split into two plants. The lemon thyme and tarragon especially never thrived and I think that's because they were in too heavy of soil in the ground, that area of the garden was still pretty much clay. Now they're potted in a much lighter mixture of potting soil, eggshells and sand.


chrisa511 said...

Wow they all look so great!! One of my lavender plants looks like hell :( Its the newer one I've bought..it looked like it was dying so I just cut it back and it never came back :( Afraid it's dead…the one I've had the longest though continues to thrive!!

Jeane said...

I'm going to have to prune the lavender, thyme and rosemary plants in spring and do worry about cutting them back too far...