01 May 2009

all wet

Rain. Checked on the garden. Glad I did- the three Cuke seedlings being eaten by slugs- one gone entirely. I found the tiny slugs hiding underside of leaves. Picked them all off and put water bottle cloches over the remains. Wonder now if all the rest of the seeds sprouted while we were gone and got eaten? If not, I can plant more. Two small Sunflowers came up, also being chewed on by slugs and pill bugs, although less so. Covered them, too. Have to put out beer next sunny day.

Put the rest of Sunflor seeds between damp paper towels on top of the fridge. Read in one of those gardening books that when they begin to germinate, you can plant only the ones that sprouted strongly, and thus have the best plants. I'll use them to fill in the gaps in the row.

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