06 October 2014

quick aponogeton

These plants grow so fast when they are well! Two days before this first picture I saw the tiny green spear coming up in the center of the plant. Here you can barely see the little leaf beginning to form.
Frontal shot:
Under the horizontal leaves in this pic, just above the cherry barb's head:
Subsequent pictures are each taken a day apart:
A few days' gap here. I cut out the browning leaf seen above, but another is fading. Second new leaf on left growing up even quicker this time.


  1. What lighting do you have on your 20 gallon ?

  2. Full spectrum daylight bulb- called "Natural Sunshine", 20 watts. It's on 6 hours a day.

  3. Do you have a recommendation for a better light? I had one on there labeled "for aquarium plants" but they really didn't seem to be doing well on it, so I switched to this.

    I've also thought maybe they're still recovering from the salt I had put in when there was ich.

  4. I have extremely low light. I have 15 watt in my 20 gal. I know a bunch of fish keepers use fishlore.com for questions. They are really helpful and full of info. Also I think you shouild try out gardenweb.com you would LOVE it there.

  5. I'm on fish forums.com and planted tank.com... Do you have the same kind of plants as me? I would actually like lower light if it meant I could keep it on longer hours without the algae issues. But I thought the swords needed the better light... My other thought was to let all the water sprite grow floating and create shade for the rest of the tank

  6. I have java fern, tons of crypts, hornwort, java moss, anubis, and water wisteria. everything but the wisteria is growing great!

  7. My wisteria is having trouble, too. The stems keep turning brown and melting away, even as new leaves grow. Kind of same issue as with the ruffled sword, actually...


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