13 March 2014

the tank plants

I've realized that I like the way the Watersprite grows planted in the gravel, not how it looks floating. So I've moved all the floating pieces into the QT tank. Watersprite is really a centerpiece in the home tank now. Every week I cut a few stems out of the main thicket that have started to turn brown and die off, but it doesn't seem to matter much as the plant is always sending up new fronds. Four fiddleheads coming up here ↓
The smaller Watersprite bunches growing offside of center aren't doing as well. Either they get less light, or I planted the biggest piece in the middle and it just grew faster. I'm thinking of taking out the smaller bunches but want to find a plant to replace it with, if there's another species that will do okay in my low-tech low-light environment. Also, I find I don't like how it looks with mixed plants spread throughout the tank. The group of Anubias on one side, Java Fern on the other, looks nice. I want more of that solidity going on.
The Rotala seems to be doing better, but I want it to branch more so I cut it back to encourage that, gradually taking cuttings and replanting the tops elsewhere to accenting the corners and sides.

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