Made a batch of basil sun tea, a simple concoction I got out of this book. All you do is pick a handful of basil, slightly crush the leaves and stems, stuff it in a jar of water, and let sit in the sun for a day or two. (I couldn't find the lid that fit this jar, that's why it has a cap of foil).
Then strain out the foliage, mix in a drop of liquid soap, and spray on the plants (in the morning). I sprayed it on my zucchini, pumpkin, cantaloupe and cucumber plants today, then also the green beans and bell peppers for good measure. Instantly gratified to see all kinds of small winged critters leap up and fly away- including teensy weensy baby grasshoppers which I hadn't noticed before (but I'm sure are guilty for some damage!)
Neat!! I'm totally going to try this out :)