31 July 2012

hosta bed

One thing that has finally begun to take shape in my yard is the front beds against the house. They're both planted with a row of Hosta, which are large enough now in their second and third year to start being prominent. Of course I haven't yet planted anything else around them, so it still looks pretty empty and gets full of crabgrass too easy. But when I drive up to the house and just glance at the yard, the hostas are a feature now, so I'm happy with the result so far.

Now I need to figure out what plants will compliment their looks, or some annuals that will fill in the gaps until the hostas get big enough to fill the bed...

Oh, and you can just see in the front left corner of this picture the fat seed pods on the Peony. I'm getting excited for some good seed!


chrisa511 said...

They look beautiful!!

Jeane said...

Thanks. The photo is too far away for you to see the slug and heat damage! Not really shady enough in that spot.