02 February 2012


There were just enough coffee grounds left to sprinkle some among the herb bed, after I'd done the chore of clearing out the weeds. Here's the three main plants, the Rosemary and Lavender I grew from cuttings, and my two-year-old Thyme from seed.
Nearby are four Parsley plants simply bursting with growth (from my mom's seed) and off to the side the Sage (from neighbor's cutting).
I love the blue-green and violet shade of the Sage foliage.
My little Oregano survived, but it looks so tiny.
The Lemon Balm is coming back, too.
I can see signs of the other Mints growing as well, but they're already reaching searching stems out over the sunken pot rims. I'm going to have to dig those up and keep them just in pots, after all. Don't want them taking over the herb bed, especially when I plan to add so much to it this year- majoram, summer savory, borage, cilantro and basil, chives and shallots...


chrisa511 said...

Everything looks great!! My parsley is just really taking off too! None of my herbs died this winter…well except for the basil. I guess it's a lightweight :p Everything did well, but they're all starting to really thrive again.

Jeane said...

Basil is an annual- it doesn't come back as far as I know. I plant mine every year around the tomatoes.

chrisa511 said...

Oh I didn't know that Basil did well around tomatoes! I still have some extra seed! Maybe I'll sprinkle some around the tomatoes :) Thanks for the tip :)