05 October 2011


The Basils in pots got moved, too. They were dropping lots of leaves. Now in the living room windowsill, where they get more direct sun. I like looking up from the desk and seeing light through their bright green leaves.
Incidentally, it was because of moving the Basil pots that I found out who was eating my plants! In the mudroom I'd noticed the edges of some leaves chomped on- a hole in one Dracanea leaf, another in an Avocado plant, some on the peppers- but too much foliage to search for the culprit. A few days after moving the basil plants I saw little black roundish droppings on the windowsill- with kinda square edges, if you look close. I recognized them right away- caterpillar poo! I could tell which plant he was on from where the droppings were concentrated so I took that plant down and went over it carefully. It took three examinations before I found him- the exact color of the leaves but a different shape. Sneaky caterpillar! He likes basil better than avocado or pepper, I guess- lots of my basil leaves were chomped. But no more!

I don't know if we'll eat from these or not. Lately I've been picking huge basil leaves out of the garden plants, they look so enormously healthy!
But a bit too strong- the flavor is very sharp and leaves a tingle on your tongue if you eat too much. I don't know if that's from the plants being older, past their flowering stage, or what...

I didn't collect any seed from the basils this year; still have plenty in storage. They've been seeding themselves on the ground, outside I find tiny basil plants growing around the larger ones. I've also found a few baby Marigolds (one even had a flower!) and Tomatoes growing near their parent plants- so I know those are all producing fertile seed!

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