05 April 2011

thyme work

I've been drying my own Thyme. Every time one of the plants needs a trim I put the cut stems up to dry in a paper bag with a few holes punched in it, hung up. A few weeks later when a plant needs another trim, I take out the dried herbs and put the new cuttings in the bag to dry.
Then separate the leaves off stems to store. It's a bit of tedious work getting all the little leaves off but not too difficult. Holding them over a piece of clean paper, I pinch the (used-to-be) growing end with one hand, then gently pinch and run my fingers of the other hand back down the stem- they strip off pretty easy that way. Then fold a crease in the paper and tip it all into a jar to save for cooking.
Today the trimmings came off this thyme plant I'm trying to shape as a tree (doubtful how well I'm succeeding). Probably anyone who knows about bonsai would be horrified at my methods. I don't have any proper tools, so I've been training the thyme plant with wire leftover from this project, and trimming stems off with nail clippers. Yikes. But that's what I've got.


chrisa511 said...

Oh wow, Jeane!! I think it looks incredible!! I totally want to do that now! You have the best ideas. I may start drying some of my own too. Great technique!

Jeane said...

Thanks! It's pretty easy. I'm hoping to dry some parsley and maybe basil this year, too...